Ah yes-in commemoration of my horror film criticism existing for over ten years now, the second volume in the form of Cinema Slayer II: Ten Years Of Horror Chaos has finally been finished and put up for all of you special undead to snag a copy whenever you see fit.
Before your arms, hands and fingers fall off. Which basically means that I'm telling you to get a copy as fast and as orderly as you can.
There's no real reason behind my haste, besides my wanting all of you to enjoy more of my work. And pointless writings about shitty movies that I know you'll love, hate, and want to use as kindling for your next bonfire in the backyard. I'm looking at you Curse On Blanchard Hill.
I'm fucking looking right at you.
So let's celebrate the first ten years of me wasting my life on these ghastly films so that you don't have to. But if you end up reading the content in this release, become intrigued by something specific, consume it and become a fan, then you too have wasted your time on a film that you otherwise may not have. To the greater good of horror, to us making a comeback after being buried for however many decades after we're gone and to me writing random bullshit for another ten years.
I'll see you again, zits and zombies. For another decade.
By the way, the link for Cinema Slayer II: Ten Years Of Horror Chaos is in the top right column along with all of the other stuff there.