Monday, May 4, 2015

Freaked (blu-ray)

When I still had a profile on good old Facebook, I had a page on my friends list called The mom and pop video shop. Everyday was exciting because they were constantly posting pictures and trailers of movies from the good old days of the video rental store that are long forgotten. Of these films were mostly cult\horror\genre flicks that pretty much no one remembers or just completely forgot about. One of these movies of course was Freaked. The vhs box art was pretty cool and I was intrigued by them stating that "it was the greatest cult film that no one has ever heard of!" Well, I was part of that "no one" because I had no clue that Freaked even existed until they posted it on their page. Of course, I asked my good pal Steven (of Champaign) about it, and he became very excited. "Yes, that movie is great! It has Alex Winter in it!" I borrowed it from him the next day at work. What a shock.

Whatever happened to Alex Winter anyway?

Anything with special fx by Screaming Mad George is a masterpiece.

"Da' plane, boss! Da' plane!" Sorry, it's the little guy from Waxwork. My mistake.

I'd looooooovvvveeeee to join the mile high club with Morgan Fairchild.

Woody woodpecker? Curly?? The three stooges???

Freekland kind of looks like something out of goosebumps. Particularly one day at horrorland.

His mouse on his computer is literally a mouse. I don't know what to say about that.

"Great use of the space." "I know. I learned it from Bob Vila."

Stewie kind of looks like the mascot of Mad magazine.

Damn, this crowd is wild!

Was that guy making out with a reindeer!?

Giant rasta eyeballs with machine guns. That's fantastic!

Giant Stewie kicks ass!

This movie is awesome. I'm not sure that I can stand by the claim of it being the greatest cult film that no one has ever heard of, but it is still pretty fabulous regardless. The best parts are the different characters, the silly humor and Screaming Mad George's seemingly never-ending genius special effects and artwork. Without those two main components, even with all of the humor and acting talent behind everyone in this movie, there wouldn't be anything to even see and I'm glad it didn't turn out that way. The transfer for this blu-ray from anchor bay is a pretty solid 1080p resolution and the sound is a nice and crisp 5.1 dolby. The only weird thing is that there doesn't seem to be a menu. Just the movie on a blu-ray disc and that's it. Very peculiar. The only reason to get the dvd instead of the blu is because there's some extras on it versus not even a home menu on the blu. Weird. No, Freaked.    

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