Monday, November 2, 2015

The Monster Squad

After all these years, I cannot believe that I have never ingested, let alone heard of The Monster Squad. After viewing this film only one time, I can assure you that a near future blu-ray purchase will happen. To me, this is essential 80's viewing zits and zombies-whether you're a fan of monsters/horror or not. This truly is a solid half and half between The Goonies mixed with classic Universal Monsters. Wolfman, Mummy, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein... they're all here to terrorize your neighborhood. As excited as I am about writing about The Monster Squad, Frankie says relax. He's on my side. As well as the kids in The Monster Squad. 

Well, hello Dracula!

"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame... you give love a bad name!" I don't like Bon Jovi, but it fit at that moment. Screw you.

"What makes a fat kid fat?"

I want a homemade t-shirt that says "Stephen King rules!" on it!

Rudy is the Fonz of the fifth grade.

That guy would be a pedo these days.

Groundhog Day Part 12? A plot? How much of a plot could it possibly have??

It would be sick to watch a drive-in movie from your roof.

"Aw man, fat kid farted!"

"Where am I going to find silver bullets? Kmart!?"

This music is sssssssssoooooo 80's.

Spoons aren't really made out of silver, are they?

Lycanthropy looks painful.

I guess I'm a monster because, I too, hate religious stuff.

 Maybe Netflix will keep The Monster Squad on for awhile so I can watch it a second and even a third time because I absolutely treasured this film as I was taking notes for this post. It has that classic 80's horror-comedy feel about it and it just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Almost like a "comfort" film if that's the word you would like to use. Highly recommended for warm, fall, apple-cidery fiends who love The Goonies and pumpkin pie. Is it Thanksgiving yet?

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