Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lady Frankenstein

I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned this in past posts before, but my absolute favorite Universal monster has always been and will always be Frankenstein. The story and the character itself is so classic because of how it portrays the normal human feeling of confusion, self-awareness and being automatically cast as a misfit just because you "don't fit in" according to society at large. There is a whole franchise of films that have to do with the legacy of Frank (and his bride, and his son) and with that type of territory there are always re-makes and re-imaginings. Lady Frankenstein is the latter because it's basically the same story, just re-done with a different twist and has nothing really to do with the original canon or lore of Dr. Frankenstein creating his monster except for the actual act of him doing so along with his fiend causing a ruckus and stirring up some shit. His daughter Tania learns fairly quickly that his own creation has killed him and wants to continue on with his work, and starts putting her surgical skills and personal lust into the mix to contrive sort of a sick plan to transplant her lovers' brain into a (let's be honest) retarded servant boy's body only for superficial reasons of course. Everything goes as they plan it, and the original monster that her father created comes back for revenge. Everything comes back eventually. 

You grave robbing bums.

Hilariously foreboding music makes me smile.

A patron of science? More like a greedy bastard.

"Here on earth... Man is God."

Simon is the town drunk version of Tom Savini.

  Tania-I mean Lady Frankenstein-is quite ravishing.

 Legalized murder? I'm all in.

Secret doors, secret rooms and secret passages.

Lobotomy comes first. Lightning second.

I want a sunroof in my laboratory.

Even in classic horror films there's to many damn bats.

The most grotesque of creatures deserves life.

Every police captain should dress like Jack The Ripper.

Holy shit-even an ugly sleaze bag like Lynch can bone some premium blonde pelt.

 If any of you zits and zombies out there are into old school horror, Lady Frankenstein will hit the spot. It has very good production value, the plot keeps you on your toes and as everything unfolds there's a sense of "is this actually going to work out" hanging in the balance which does pay off even before the finale comes into play. It's basically the initial plot with some severe twists that change it up against what you already know about what happens in the first place, and to be very honest I might actually like this more than the original film with Boris Karloff as the monster himself. It's probably hidden in the execution somewhere, but this film has more going on than the original and I was engaged with what was going to happen with his daughter and what she was going to do to continue what the doc had in mind. She just ended up doing what she wanted instead. No bettering mankind here. 

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