Saturday, April 13, 2019

Scarecrow Gone Wild

After the monumental disappointment that was Scarecrow Slayer, I was really leaving my hopes out in the open for the final installment of the Scarecrow franchise by York Entertainment to be decent-and in fact, to some degree, it actually was. I've been noticing now for many years that for some reason the first film in a series is pretty great, the second one is garbage and the third one brings it all back. This franchise fits very nicely into this theory as Scarecrow Gone Wild was absolutely better in every conceivable way than it's predecessor (which, let's be honest, couldn't have been that hard to do) with cougar tits, some nice gore and a hilarious looking scarecrow that couldn't have taken anymore than twenty minutes to find the pieces to put that costume together for. I even scribbled down in my notes that the scarecrow mask looks like something that I've seen at Spirit Halloween in the past, and I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if the costume designer ordered it from them online or went in there after Halloween was over and bought it on sale after the holiday had passed and saved it just for when they started filming Scarecrow Gone Wild. With all of that out of the way however, this film is also plot hole city and basically has the scarecrow following a specific group of teens(?) to the beach and killing them one by one. There's even a dude that's diabetic that they tie up to the crow's cross as sort of a hazing type dealy only to have him almost die because he was hanging up there for to long without his insulin. What a bunch of thoughtful classmates.

A corn field-if I see Isaac I'm leaving.

I think I've seen that scarecrow mask at Spirit Halloween before.

 A varsity jacket doesn't mean shit...except that you're a damn tool.

You know, in baseball, we all touch each other's asses.

Cute college chicks and cougar tits-count me in!

If you're not gay, then why did you lick beer off of that dude's chest?

I guess "farting around" in the middle of a corn field can get you killed.

Don't ever do that Stallone impression again. Ever.

Jesus, who wrote the music for this shitty volleyball montage?! It's fucking awful!

The scarecrow needs to add "likes long walks on the beach" to his Tinder profile.

"You look pissed"-wow, what timing.

A doctor that actually cares? Color me surprised.

Zits and zombies, the only Scarecrow flicks worth watching are the original and this one-Scarecrow Gone Wild. None of them are great by any means, but if you're in the mood for some stupid shit that has to do with college students being stalked and killed on the beach by a husk filled with dried straw, then by all accounts give the final entry of this series a ride. Ken Shamrock is also in here as the coach of the baseball team for the college presented in this movie, and adds nothing of value to the overall experience because his "acting" is horrendous and really couldn't be taken serious in a single frame that he was caught in. All you need here is to be drunk or stoned and to also be surrounded by plenty of snacks and toilet paper so you don't miss anything. I bid you adieu and may this trilogy of plot holes, stupid characters and scarecrows finally lay down their heads to rest. Also, I'll probably never want to play volleyball ever again because of that fucking music. It was inexcusable.   

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