Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Zombie Nightmare

If any of you zits and zombies have seen or have been fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 for countless years now, you should be aware that one of their more popular episodes makes horrendous fun of the 1987 cheese-fest that is Zombie Nightmare. This thing is fantastic and has a very quick pace about it that doesn't leave the viewer in the dust in terms of boredom or nothing happening. Yes, the film poster does say that Tia Carrere and Adam West are involved in this picture, which of course adds a certain novelty and flavor of curiosity to the overall product-and they don't disappoint. Well, maybe Tia does because she's not really a main-main character and she mostly just runs around all frantic when things get crazy after Tony is brought back to life, but hey... someone has to do it. Adam West is the chief of police, and like all common chiefs, he's an arrogant jackass that thinks he has this thing pegged when in reality he's not even close. My honest opinion tells me that Zombie Nightmare was a solid time with really crappy kills, cute girls, an asshole high school punk Jim (that thankfully and whimsically was stabbed in the stomach with an aluminum baseball bat) as well as really stupid characters and a lackluster ending that I probably could have done better in my own backyard. 

She really is a voodoo child.

The ace of spades!

Shut up fat-ass and hit the ball already.

  Hell yeah, kick their asses!

This dude's mom looks like Lady Gaga when she's 60.

  Wow-I've been to lame dance clubs before, but this is ridiculous.

Damn, this is one seedy town.

So, is grandma here going to perform some black magic or something to bring Tony back?

Voodoo shamans are the shit.

Twist and Creme'? That's an awful name for an ice cream parlor.

Another horror flick with people playing tennis... poorly.

Give it up already you fucking loser.

Adam West is legendary.

I've seen plenty of revenge flicks over the years, but this one has to be the most fun. Jon Mikl Thor as Tony is really the only second time I've ever seen him in anything besides Rock n' Roll Nightmare-and I'm actually kind of hoping I run into him again at some point. He seems to enhance any shitty proceedings to another level, and him mostly as the zombie here in this context was pretty great as far as I was concerned. Shawn Levy was great as Jim too, and he was fucking despicable. I couldn't wait for that nut-sack to get what he deserved, and when it finally occurred I was thoroughly satisfied. Zits and zombies, just because MST3K did a fine job of tearing this apart in one of their more known episodes doesn't automatically make it trash. It's a fun ride and look at it this way-Manos The Hands of Fate was destroyed by them and that pile of dino-feces still has a cult following, so why can't Zombie Nightmare. It's all in the taste, and it's all in the wrist. By the way, Adam West says "bad boy" as calmly as he can and then kicks a suspect right in the damn face as he walks by in the middle of the police department. Priceless.   

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