Monday, February 19, 2018

Nightmare Concert (A Cat In The Brain)

Some of you zits and zombies prefer horror offerings from other countries-Germany, France, Japan, China and even of Spanish areas where Bloody Moon and Pieces come to mind. So do I. Any and all of these outer countries have films that are memorable and surprisingly gory, but Italy most of the time (for me personally) takes the cake. Unless were talking about Germany or France of course. Then we would have to mention The Burning Moon or High Tension. But that's not what were here to focus on right now. Were here to focus on a definitive splatter-fest from one of Italy's finest. Lucio Fulci's Nightmare Concert. Or Cat In The Brain. Which ever title you prefer, the film stays the same-and it's a grandiose tapestry of blood, gore, Fulci loosing his mind, a woman getting strangled with piano wire and a cat literally in a brain. But it's much more than just a bunch of very violent events all strung together. It's about letting your work get to you. It's very healthy for your physical and mental state to have time away from whatever it is you do for a living, and I think Lucio did a great job presenting that in this film. Even though it is somewhat out of the context of reality, there have been many times in my work life where I felt like I had a cat in my brain, and it never seemed to go away. Two tickets for Key West? Hell yeah, let's get out of here. 

Well, there's a cat-and it's in a brain. So it's already lived up to it's title and it's only been the first two minutes. Bravo.

In the mood for cooked, seasoned flesh? Anyone? Ah, you vegan bastards.

Sadistic cannibalism is such eloquently messy work.

The buzz of a chainsaw can get to you after awhile.

Damn, Italian women are sexy. That's why I married one.

Fulci, you're losing it man. Keep it together.

Everything these actors are doing has to be real.

I never thought I would see the physical embodiment of a, ehem... "pocket pussy".

Bitch slapping must be an Italian tradition.

Dead women love hitching rides on merry-go-rounds.

Cock blocked by some jackass across the alley. Getting laid can never be easy, can it.

Letting your work get to you mentally is something I think that happens to pretty much everyone. And if it can happen to Lucio Fulci, than it can happen to you. I didn't watch this as a warning, I watched this because I knew it was going to be a thrill ride full of gore, violence and Italian angst-and that's more than enough to deflate any of my personal aggression I may or may not have against my employer. Even as an artist there are still throes of depression and frustration, and I believe that Cat In The Brain was Fulci's outlet for such feelings. As a fan and reviewer I can say without a doubt that sitting through this film is basically like listening to one of your favorite metal albums-headbanging and destroying anything in your path for some normalcy. Except in movie form. It all happens in your head, and that's where it should stay. I also need to mention that I'm somewhat allergic to cats as well. So this isn't going to work. Guess I need a larger supply of Benadryl next time. This dander is killing me.      

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