Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Better Watch Out

On my endless perennial quest to find great Christmas horror flicks, Better Watch Out has been a curiosity on my list since the end of last year. I randomly saw the dvd and blu-ray of this at Walmart while my wife and I were shopping for gifts, and the cover art caught my eye. Honestly, there really isn't anything special besides how colorful it is, but it just looked like a great Christmas horror flick. It's all about marketing people. I kept this film in the back corner of my mind up until last week when I was at the library. I rented this out along with Hell Night and another dark cult film titled Lemon. All three of these pictures are fantastic for their own reasons, and Better Watch Out has a twist that makes it as unique as it is insightful-a great combo that I wasn't expecting. Another fact that I absorbed while watching the "making of" documentary was that this is an Australian horror flick. All of the actors are straight up Aussie, and their performances while dropping their accents are flawlessly superb. I couldn't have asked for a more solid cast for an indie of this caliber, and it just added to the overall quality of the final product. Luke is fucking insane. Why are you friends with this guy? 

What a happy snowman. I knew it wouldn't last.

Pot-socks? Yes!

Why not bone the babysitter and get stoned?

Luke is so freaking neurotic.

It's a spider. It doesn't have to do anything wrong. It's a spider. Kill it.

I never had this much game when I was twelve.

Seriously-people still have land-line phones these days?

What a spacious attic.

Umm... slapping Ashley down the stairs was highly unnescessary.

Well, Luke's character has taken a fucking dark turn.

Every twelve year old is evil, but this is a whole other level.

"Luke needs therapy" is an understatement.

  If any of you zits or zombies are into home invasion fright flicks, Better Watch Out will quench your thirst. Except the twist about thirty minutes in or so makes it a little bit more original and different than what you would expect. That's what makes this such an amazing watch and the acting is very real and intense-all of the younger, main actors in this film are going places. They all have bright futures and I truly got sucked into the atmosphere and dark situation that proceeds because of that. Superb indies come only a few times a year (well maybe more than that, but for continuity sake) and Better Watch Out is a must own for holiday horror freaks and home invasion fans alike. Just don't go near Ashley. Luke will probably blow your damn head off.    

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