Monday, May 11, 2015

American Mary

Writing the notes for American Mary was fun. This was my third viewing of this film, and for some reason I just can't get enough of it! I don't know if it's the feel, the characters, the idea, Katherine Isabelle... I really can't put my finger on it. Whatever it is, I absolutely love this flick. I'm surprised at myself that I haven't bought the blu-ray yet online somewhere. Now that I think of it, this is the only Katerine Isabelle movie that I've ever watched. I've never had the pleasure of seeing any of the Ginger Snaps movies. From what I understand, I'm missing out.

Practice surgery on a turkey in a little black nightie and gloves? My kind of girl!

Mary is such a hottie. Her surgeon professor however is an asshole.

Beatrice looks like a splicer from Bioshock.

OK, maybe Betty Boop.

I'm not sure how I feel about a woman having her nipples removed and her vagina sealed shut. That's just out there.

A party with other doctors and surgeons? I don't think so.

Mary looks KILLER in that green dress.

Rape is always uncalled for. Especially when you tape it.

That's what he get's for being a scumbag rapist.

Lance is a cool ass body guard.

The twins are just strange.

Well, Mary sure beat the shit out of that rent-a-cop.

"Wrong time, wrong place, wrong dick in your mouth."

 The first time I watched this film, it stuck with me for a few days. I think primarily because of the sheer idea that something like this somewhere in the underground in America probably actually goes on. Rebel surgeons that are genius' who turn to body mod work for tons of quick cash. I wouldn't be shocked at all to be quite honest. I really dig this film and I highly recommend you to check it out. Remember, she's an artist. 

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