Monday, May 4, 2015

Open Water

(Sigh)... I remember when this came out in 2004 seeing trailers for this movie and telling myself that it would be a snooze fest. I didn't see it in the theater, thank God. But now, 11 years later, both Open Water movies are on Netflix and I still really didn't want to watch either one of them. But of course, being a human being catches up with everyone at sometime or another and I got curious, so I just had to watch the first Open Water. It was a little bit more interesting than I thought it would be, but not by much at all. 

   Based on true events? Interesting.

Cool Iguana.

The way this was filmed feels like and SOV for some reason.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see this guy's wife in bed completely nude. I like.

Forget work, just bone!

This scene reminds me of when I went to Hawaii with my family and I tried scuba diving. I was horrified. I have a phobia of deep water.

I commend scuba divers. As much of an underwater exploration fan as I am, I could never physically do it.

9:45-10:25am. They only dove for 40 minutes? It wasn't even worth it.

Yay, sharks.

Jellyfish territory. Those things are deadly.

Bit by a shark and stung by a jellyfish. Man, that sucks.

Here's where your psyche snaps.

Even in the middle of the ocean, couples will bitch at each other.

As much of a deep water phobic as I am, I really wasn't freaked out by this movie. I wasn't moved by it either. The whole thing is just so drug out and sluggish that it makes you wish that Daniel and Susan started yelling their marital problems at each other in the middle of the ocean sooner so you can get more entertainment out of it. As it is though, it's kind of boring to be honest. The ending was sort of bleak and abrupt as well, which I know was done on purpose to capture the pure hopelessness of the situation. The whole thing could've just been done a lot better. If you see it on Netflix, ignore it.

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