Monday, August 10, 2015

Bible Belt Slasher Pt.2: The holy terror

You're probably reading the title of this post and saying "where's the first Bible Belt Slasher?" Don't worry. The original short simply called "The Bible Belt Slasher" is on the dvd as an extra and I'm glad it's there because it shows the beginning of James Fry getting pissed off and going to kill some teens while ripping pages out of his bible and quoting scripture (it's sort of his M.O.) and leaving them there with the dead bodies of his victims. What's the difference between all the wars that have been waged in the name of God and James going ape shit and killing sinners? Honestly, I don't see one. But that's not the point. The point is Bible Belt Slasher 1&2 are both great for what they are and they have plenty of gore for a blood freak like me.

  There is some blatantly bad 80's hair and fashion going on here.

"It's about fucking time. A greatful dead concert doesn't even take this long." I like Rebecca already.

I kind of like that it took 10 minutes to get to the opening credits.

Man I love all these movies lately that have movie rental store in them.

That's one big ass candy cane.

If Rebecca is making soup, that has to be the worst soup I've ever seen.

Every single person in this movie is ugly. 

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a dead bitch!"

This music video is smothered in 80's cheese! It's so damn bad!

Is this guy Hannibal Lecter all of a sudden? Or Mike Tyson?

There's nothing like a good disemboweling right in someone's front yard in broad daylight.

  This is one that was reviewed by the almighty mrparka on youtube. That's also how I found out about Nostril Picker. Anyway, I actually did like the short and the full length film. I thought for the budget that was to be had, it was a pretty solid production. If you can get past the oppressively oaken acting and some of the weird edits here and there, you have a pretty solid throw back horror flick that's sure to please fans that are into that sort of thing. And 80's slashers. And gore. Plenty of gore. Actually, there's pretty much no nudity. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but it really didn't need it. Now, go read your bible you sinner. 

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