Friday, February 12, 2016

Turbo Kid

Originally, this was an indie film that I didn't even want to touch. I'm very skeptical about newer movies (whether they're Hollywood or indie) these days because everything in this realm is just so over budgeted and pumped full of horribly done CGI that horror and cult films are becoming my life. But, Turbo Kid just kept steam rolling me with nothing but positive quips and ideas. Then it was put on Netflix. Could this be the greatest newer indie film in the last five, maybe ten years? Most certainly, the answer is an overwhelming yes, yes and yes! If I had any sort of plans on doing a top five best of the year instead of the top five worst of the year, Turbo Kid would be, hands fucking down, numero uno. This film drips quality, quantity and fresh writing to the point where I hope that it becomes some kind of a film staple where there are toys, posters, t-shirts and a whole cult following for years and years to come. This film deserves every ounce of praise that it gets.

Post-apocalyptic... I love it already.

Even a retro soundtrack! Yyyyeeeesssssss!!!    

I adore this kids underground bedroom/lair space.

You have to do what you have to do for food bro.

This is really what it would be like if we lived in a dystopian post-apocalyptic world, wouldn't it?

Michael Ironside, I presume?

That chick has issues.

 Henchmen are always dolts in these kinds of movies.

"This is my gnome stick!"

The Turbo Rider suit is awesome!

Well, that jackass went "splat."

Who stabs themselves in the eye, honestly?

Apple is to damn cute and oblivious for her own good.

I tried explaining what films that this is akin to to a friend recently, and I actually struggled for a bit because I couldn't really think of a few films that it resembled. The only answer I had was "it's like Mad Max and Hobo with a Shotgun spliced together", but that's not a very good depiction either. That's just a good sign of not being able to pigeon hole Turbo Kid. Because you can't. Finally a solid film that everyone can get behind and be excited about. By the way, I was also impressed with the amount of gore in this movie. There was a lot more in here than I thought there would be. Gibs. What a concept. Stop loitering around here and go watch Turbo Kid. Now.   

1 comment:

  1. Movie was actually pretty good. That over the top gore was hilarious.

    "Eyes, throat, groin!"
