Friday, August 12, 2016

Aaaaaaaaanold movies!: Total Recall

Author Phillip K. Dick was way ahead of his time. I've actually never read anything from him, but I can say one thing- if Total Recall is any indication of how intricate his writing is, I should probably get into it. His imagination is fucking wild. Especially since this film is based on a short story called "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" that he wrote and had published in April of 1966. Again, Phillip was waaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of his time. Total Recall is really no different. I remember watching this one on VHS a lot when I was growing up and just always being amazed at the setting, the mutants, the chick with three breasts, it taking place on mars... there's so much futuristic tech (at the time) in this flick that watching it back in 1990 was kind of mind blowing. And the whole idea of going on vacation without actually going on vacation is something that honestly might be headed our way with all this VR business that's going around right now. I'm personally not that into it, but a lot of people are. Recall your memories at Rekall.

 Body Count: It's significantly lower than Commando at 35, but in reality Total Recall isn't about Arnold killing people, it's about the overall plot and setting. Even though he has some pretty hilarious and creative kills in this one, it's about him saving the people of Mars from Cohaagen, not blasting everyone. 

Character Name: Douglas Quaid/Hauser

 Quotes: "Talk! I said talk!"

"Nice knowing you."

"Who are you?"

"Sue me, dick head."

"Be careful. It's my head too."

"Get your ass to Mars." 


"I've got five kids to feed." "Take them to the dentist."

"Relax. You'll live longer."

"Well, if it's my delusion, who the hell invited you?"

"Consider that a divorce."

"Who is it this time? My mother?"

"Come on Cohaagen, you got what you want. Give those people aeyeaaarrr."

"Screw you!!"

"You think this is the real Quaid? It is!"

"See you at the party, Richter!"


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