Monday, January 25, 2016

The Video Dead (blu-ray)

Since my fellow zombie, Steve Carpenter decided to write a review for us recently on the ridiculous horror comedy, Terrorvision, I thought I should fill the other half of the double feature on this particular blu-ray release from Scream Factory and write about The Video Dead. I can't lie to you, zits and zombies- I've watched this film more times than I probably should have since I added this to my collection a few years ago. Really, Terrorvision is the better flick of the two. But I just can't help it with The Video Dead. The concept is pretty cool and the zombies actually look bad-ass. The execution of some things in the movie are just terrible and the acting is so wooden you'd think you were watching saplings grow on your tv set from the moment they were planted in the ground. But that's the charm of The Video Dead. You know it's a heaping pile of dinosaur shit, but you're still somehow willing to dive right in. No questions asked.

Is slow motion really needed to reveal a tv in a crate?

You're a real responsible bastard, aren't ya'. 

"Who the hell would send me a tv? I don't even watch tv!"

A zombie ascending out of the tv with smoke and lights? What sorcery is this?!

I've never seen a teenage boy wear a shirt that says "twist and crawl". Ever.

 This yokel belongs on Bonanza.

Even zombies love chocolate.

One more dance with Mary Jane.

This is the only scene where you see "The Garbage Man".

Shortest, shittiest recipe I've ever heard on the radio. 

That cowboy hat pisses me off.

Zombie Bowie- sorry. To soon?

I know I probably shouldn't have added that last note in there since David Bowie recently passed away, but I'm sorry. I never really got into his music (so I personally don't care) and every time that particular zombie popped up on screen with the bright blue skin and hair combed over to the side, he just looked like David Bowie. Besides all that, if you're a zombie die hard and also love films that are just dumb and make no sense because they have plot holes the size of a fifty inch tv, then you'll have a good time. Otherwise, just buy this blu-ray for Terrorvision. The price of admission is worth it just for that.    

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