Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Peter Jackson was already Peter Jackson before he became Peter Jackson (part2-Bad Taste)

His personal springboard, Bad Taste is loaded with actual bad taste. Even right from the start, you knew that Peter Jackson knew what he was doing. Wrought with plenty of gore, gross-out and over the top action sequences, there are plenty of jokes to be had about the corporate food industry as the aliens in this film want to kidnap everyone to turn them into disgusting piles of green food vomit. I'm not entirely sure what that shit is called, but the scene where one of the guys pukes some green, spoiled party punch looking shit into a big ass glass bowl for the rest of the aliens to eat as a snack is downright gag inducing. Just sitting here at my desk eating a bowl of fruity pebbles while I'm writing this makes me a little nauseous. That's my own choice.

Postdating the events of having a rambunctious good time viewing Dead Alive with my younger brother, I decided that I needed to soak my eyeballs in another solution by the commander of visceral insanity, so I found a way to watch Bad Taste on my brother Mike's computer back when his pc was still in the basement at my parent's house. Of all the places to find an uncut version was of course Youtube, and I sat there and watched the whole thing with my wife periodically (we weren't married then, we were just engaged still) looking over my shoulder to see what I was bursting out in laughter at. I can't recall specifically, but I just remember her groaning, moaning and proclaiming "what the hell kind of movie is this?" as I adsorbed what was to be another cult hit from Peter Jackson that I, at some point, just had to have a hard copy of. Aliens in business suits that flip the bird and blast everyone with AK-47's? Umm... yes.

I still have to wonder... again, how did Peter come to the conclusion that he would rather direct theater fodder instead of cult, underground slop for us bottom feeders? Was it money? Was it an artistic choice? To be recognized or remembered? It could've been any of those, but I'm just glad that he cut his teeth on this before moving on to something more serious. I know you'll never see this, but do Dead Alive 2 or something man. Return to your roots. At least before you're bitten by a Sumatran rat monkey.

A bit of finger.

Gray matter. On the rocks.

Bad teeth? No-bad taste.

Pornstache Jefferson!

I thought everyone in Heaven's Gate was dead. I guess I was wrong.

      (Surfer voice) Woah, dude! I'm being used as a battering ram!

Bloody mess.

Lunch in a box. Yummy!

I knew there was a dinner party I would never attend.

Alien's and AK's - now playable on your phone or in your web browser!

  Cardboard cut-outs of The Beatles. Do I laugh? What is my response here?!

 This guy looks like the twitchy CEO of an outer-galaxy food conglomerate.

Oozing your way from Dead Alive and Bad Taste to King Kong and Lord of the Rings is an accomplishment in and of itself. Rest assured, if he ever comes back to direct another wall of organs to climb, you better bet that I'll be there scaling the large intestines and livers.  It's almost like he felt that he had matured or came from a cocoon as a butterfly instead of the slimy, disgusting worm that he once was in adolescence. Bad Taste just makes me want to be the guy that puts ketchup on a hot dog-an outcast. A frivolous outcast who's only goal is to stay out of everyone's way and make it for himself. And, you know what, that's what Peter Jackson did. I can't be sad anymore. Kudos to you brother. You made it. Keep an eye on your mother's ear... it may fall in the custard.

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